Purchase Orders

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The use of a Purchase Order (PO) is a standard Kimberly-Clark policy and required method of communicating our commitment to purchase materials and services. To help us meet our payment commitments, we provide suppliers with the following PO Requirement guidelines.

Our P2P Supplier Portal enables e-document exchange of POs, Purchase Order Acknowledgement (POA), Advanced Shipping Notices (ASN) and invoices, with 24/7 visibility into your payment status through secure portal-based technology.

Our PO requirements facilitate a streamlined payment process for our suppliers:

  • Our suppliers are required to have a Kimberly-Clark Purchase Order (PO) prior to commencement of work or delivery of goods
  • If a PO has incorrect or incomplete information, DO NOT fulfill the PO, contact your Procurement Buyer to ensure the PO is correct prior to acknowledging the PO
  • Kimberly-Clark must approve any quantity variance from the PO or material substitution prior to shipment of the materials
  • POs must be acknowledged prior to invoicing
  • Suppliers must acknowledge all POs by submitting a PO Acknowledgment (POA) through the P2P Supplier Portal or system from which the PO was received
  • Kimberly-Clark must be informed of any changes to the supplier Tax ID number, banking information, contact person, company address, email address, phone or fax number
  • Correspondence regarding a PO received through the P2P Supplier Portal must be submitted via that Portal

To further enhance our collaboration with our valued EMEA suppliers, we have prepared detailed instructions regarding our Purchase Orders. These instructions aim to ensure that our orders are fulfilled accurately and efficiently:

Country K-C Location Instructions
France Rouen, Villey-Saint-Étienne, Nanterre Chers partenaires commerciaux, un accusé de réception de commande doit être soumis via le portail fournisseur Coupa. Les exceptions formellement acceptées doivent être notifiées dans les 72 heures via le Chatbot Procuree. Veuillez vous assurer que le numéro de commande de KC est mentionné sur tous les documents de livraison et sur l'emballage extérieur. Dans le cas contraire, la livraison pourrait être refusée. Heures d'ouverture de la livraison : Du lundi au vendredi : de 8h30 à 12h00 et de 13h00 à 16h00. Veuillez consulter SupplierLink (en cliquant sur Source-to-Pay) pour connaître les exigences de facturation, les instructions de livraison et le matériel de formation des fournisseurs. Une assistance supplémentaire peut être obtenue via le Chatbot Procuree.
Deutschland Koblenz, Mainz Sehr geehrte Geschäftspartner, eine Bestellbestätigung muss über das Coupa Lieferantenportal eingereicht werden. Formell vereinbarte Ausnahmen sollten innerhalb von 72 Stunden über den Procuree-Chatbot gemeldet werden. Stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass die KC-Bestellnummer auf allen Lieferpapieren und auf der äußeren Verpackung angegeben ist. Falls dies unterlassen wird, könnte dies dazu führen, dass die Lieferung abgelehnt wird. Lieferungen können nur von Montag bis Freitag akzeptiert werden. Bitte überprüfen Sie SupplierLink (durch das Klicken auf Source-to-Pay) für Rechnungsanforderungen, Lieferanweisungen und Lieferantenschulungsmaterialien. Weitere Unterstützung erhalten Sie über den Procuree-Chatbot.
Schweiz u. Österreich Solothurn (CH), Vienna (AT) Sehr geehrte Geschäftspartner, eine Bestellbestätigung muss über das Coupa Lieferantenportal eingereicht werden. Formell vereinbarte Ausnahmen sollten innerhalb von 72 Stunden über den Procuree-Chatbot gemeldet werden. Stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass die KC-Bestellnummer auf allen Lieferpapieren und auf der äußeren Verpackung angegeben ist. Falls dies unterlassen wird, könnte dies dazu führen, dass die Lieferung abgelehnt wird. Lieferungen können nur von Montag bis Freitag akzeptiert werden. Bitte überprüfen Sie SupplierLink (durch das Klicken auf Source-to-Pay) für Rechnungsanforderungen, Lieferanweisungen und Lieferantenschulungsmaterialien. Weitere Unterstützung erhalten Sie über den Procuree-Chatbot.
Portugal y España Salamanca, Madrid Estimados socios, la confirmación de pedido debe ser enviada a través del Portal de Proveedores Coupa. Para excepciones acordadas formalmente, se deben notificar a través del Procuree Chatbot durante las primeras 72 horas. Por favor, asegurarse de incluír el número de pedido en el albarán de entrega para cada envío. En caso de no incluirlo, la entrega puede ser rechazada. Por favor, consulte SupplierLink (haciendo clic en Source-to-Pay) para conocer los requisitos de facturación, las instrucciones de entrega y los materiales de capacitación para proveedores. Se puede acceder a cualquier ayuda adicional a través del Procuree Chatbot.
Italia Romagnano, Turin Gentili Business Partner, la conferma dell'ordine di acquisto deve essere inviata tramite il portale Coupa. Le eccezioni formalmente concordate devono essere notificate entro 72 ore attraverso il Chatbot di Procuree. Assicuratevi che il numero dell'ordine di acquisto KC sia riportato su tutti i documenti di consegna e sull'imballaggio esterno. In caso contrario, la consegna potrebbe essere rifiutata. Orari di apertura delle consegne: Dal lunedì al venerdì: dalle 08:15 alle 12:00 e dalle 13:15 alle 16:00. Consultare SupplierLink (cliccando su Source-to-Pay) per i requisiti di fatturazione, le istruzioni di consegna e il materiale formativo per i fornitori. Per ulteriore assistenza è possibile utilizzare il Chatbot di Procuree.
Česko a Slovensko Litovel, Jaromer, Praha, Bratislava (SK) Vážení obchodní partneři, potvrzení objednávky musí být odesláno prostřednictvím dodavatelského portálu společnosti Coupa. Formálně dohodnuté výjimky by měly být oznámeny do 72 hodin prostřednictvím chatbota Procuree. Ujistěte se, že číslo objednávky KC je uvedeno na všech dodacích listech a na vnějších obalech. Pokud tak neučiníte, může to vést k odmítnutí dodávky. Zkontrolujte prosím SupplierLink (kliknutím na Source-to-Pay), kde najdete požadavky na fakturaci, pokyny k dodání a školicí materiály pro dodavatele. Jakákoli další pomoc je přístupná prostřednictvím chatbota Procuree.
Україна Kyiv Уважаемые партнеры, подтверждение заказа на покупку необходимо отправить через портал поставщиков Coupa. Об официально согласованных исключениях следует уведомить в течение 72 часов через чат-бота по закупкам. Убедитесь, что номер заказа на поставку KC указан во всех документах на поставку и на внешней упаковке. Несоблюдение этого требования может привести к отказу доставке. Пожалуйста, проверьте ссылку на поставщика (щелкнув «Source-to-Pay»), чтобы узнать требования к выставлению счетов, инструкции по доставке и учебные материалы для поставщиков. Получить любую дополнительную помощь можно через чат-бота Procuree.
UK Barrow, Flint, Northfleet, Walton Oaks Dear Business Partners, a purchase order acknowledgement must be submitted via the Coupa Supplier Portal. Formally agreed exceptions should be notified within 72 hours through the Procuree Chatbot. Please ensure that the KC Purchase Order number is quoted on all delivery paperwork and on outside packaging. Failure to do so could lead to the delivery being rejected. Please check SupplierLink (by clicking on Source-to-Pay) for Invoicing requirements, Delivery instructions and Supplier training materials. Any further assistance can be accessed through the Procuree Chatbot.
GCC (Bahrain, Dubai, Saudi Arabia) Askar (BH), Dammam (SA), Dubai (AE) Dear Business Partners, a purchase order acknowledgement must be submitted via the Coupa Supplier Portal. Formally agreed exceptions should be notified within 72 hours through the Procuree Chatbot. Please ensure that the KC Purchase Order number is quoted on all delivery paperwork and on outside packaging. Failure to do so could lead to the delivery being rejected. Please check SupplierLink (by clicking on Source-to-Pay) for Invoicing requirements, Delivery instructions and Supplier training materials. Any further assistance can be accessed through the Procuree Chatbot.
South Africa Enstra, Cape Town, Bryanston Dear Business Partners, a purchase order acknowledgement must be submitted via the Coupa Supplier Portal. Formally agreed exceptions should be notified within 72 hours through the Procuree Chatbot. Please ensure that the KC Purchase Order number is quoted on all delivery paperwork and on outside packaging. Failure to do so could lead to the delivery being rejected. Please check SupplierLink (by clicking on Source-to-Pay) for Invoicing requirements, Delivery instructions and Supplier training materials. Any further assistance can be accessed through the Procuree Chatbot.
Nigeria & Kenya Lagos (NG), Nairobi (KE) Dear Business Partners, a purchase order acknowledgement must be submitted via the Coupa Supplier Portal. Formally agreed exceptions should be notified within 72 hours through the Procuree Chatbot. Please ensure that the KC Purchase Order number is quoted on all delivery paperwork and on outside packaging. Failure to do so could lead to the delivery being rejected. Please check SupplierLink (by clicking on Source-to-Pay) for Invoicing requirements, Delivery instructions and Supplier training materials. Any further assistance can be accessed through the Procuree Chatbot.
France Rouen, Villey-Saint-Étienne, Nanterre Dear Business Partners, a purchase order acknowledgement must be submitted via the Coupa Supplier Portal. Formally agreed exceptions should be notified within 72 hours through the Procuree Chatbot. Please ensure that the KC Purchase Order number is quoted on all delivery paperwork and on outside packaging. Failure to do so could lead to the delivery being rejected. Delivery opening hours: Monday to Friday: 8:30 to 12:00 and 13:00 to 16:00. Please check SupplierLink (by clicking on Source-to-Pay) for Invoicing requirements, delivery instructions and Supplier training materials. Any further assistance can be accessed through the Procuree Chatbot.
Germany Koblenz, Mainz Dear Business Partners, a purchase order acknowledgement must be submitted via the Coupa Supplier Portal. Formally agreed exceptions should be notified within 72 hours through the Procuree Chatbot. Please ensure that the KC Purchase Order number is quoted on all delivery paperwork and on outside packaging. Failure to do so could lead to the delivery being rejected. Deliveries can be accepted only from Monday to Friday. Please check SupplierLink (by clicking on Source-to-Pay) for Invoicing requirements, delivery instructions and Supplier training materials. Any further assistance can be accessed through the Procuree Chatbot.
Switzerland & Austria Solothurn (CH), Vienna (AT) Dear Business Partners, a purchase order acknowledgement must be submitted via the Coupa Supplier Portal. Formally agreed exceptions should be notified within 72 hours through the Procuree Chatbot. Please ensure that the KC Purchase Order number is quoted on all delivery paperwork and on outside packaging. Failure to do so could lead to the delivery being rejected. Deliveries can be accepted only from Monday to Friday. Please check SupplierLink (by clicking on Source-to-Pay) for Invoicing requirements, delivery instructions and Supplier training materials. Any further assistance can be accessed through the Procuree Chatbot.
Benelux (Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark) Diegem (BE), Ede (NL), Copenhagen (DK) Dear Business Partners, a purchase order acknowledgement must be submitted via the Coupa Supplier Portal. Formally agreed exceptions should be notified within 72 hours through the Procuree Chatbot. Please ensure that the KC Purchase Order number is quoted on all delivery paperwork and on outside packaging. Failure to do so could lead to the delivery being rejected. Please check SupplierLink (by clicking on Source-to-Pay) for Invoicing requirements, Delivery instructions and Supplier training materials. Any further assistance can be accessed through the Procuree Chatbot.
Iberia (Spain & Portugal) Madrid, Salamanca Dear Business Partners, a purchase order acknowledgement must be submitted via the Coupa Supplier Portal. Formally agreed exceptions should be notified within 72 hours through the Procuree Chatbot. Please ensure that the KC Purchase Order number is quoted on all delivery paperwork and on outside packaging. Failure to do so could lead to the delivery being rejected. Please check SupplierLink (by clicking on Source-to-Pay) for Invoicing requirements, Delivery instructions and Supplier training materials. Any further assistance can be accessed through the Procuree Chatbot.
Italy Romagnano, Turin Dear Business Partners, a purchase order acknowledgement must be submitted via the Coupa Supplier Portal. Formally agreed exceptions should be notified within 72 hours through the Procuree Chatbot. Please ensure that the KC Purchase Order number is quoted on all delivery paperwork and on outside packaging. Failure to do so could lead to the delivery being rejected. Delivery opening hours: Monday to Friday: 08:15 to 12:00 and 13:15 to 16:00. Please check SupplierLink (by clicking on Source-to-Pay) for Invoicing requirements, Delivery instructions and Supplier training materials. Any further assistance can be accessed through the Procuree Chatbot.
Central Europe (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, Croatia) Litovel, Jaromer, Prague (CZ), Bratislava (SK), Warsaw, Krakow (PL), Budapest (HU), Zagreb (HK) Dear Business Partners, a purchase order acknowledgement must be submitted via the Coupa Supplier Portal. Formally agreed exceptions should be notified within 72 hours through the Procuree Chatbot. Please ensure that the KC Purchase Order number is quoted on all delivery paperwork and on outside packaging. Failure to do so could lead to the delivery being rejected. Please check SupplierLink (by clicking on Source-to-Pay) for Invoicing requirements, Delivery instructions and Supplier training materials. Any further assistance can be accessed through the Procuree Chatbot.
Eastern Europe(Ukraine) Kiev Dear Business Partners, a purchase order acknowledgement must be submitted via the Coupa Supplier Portal. Formally agreed exceptions should be notified within 72 hours through the Procuree Chatbot. Please ensure that the KC Purchase Order number is quoted on all delivery paperwork and on outside packaging. Failure to do so could lead to the delivery being rejected. Please check SupplierLink (by clicking on Source-to-Pay) for Invoicing requirements, Delivery instructions and Supplier training materials. Any further assistance can be accessed through the Procuree Chatbot.