Purchase Orders

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The use of a Purchase Order (PO) is a standard Kimberly-Clark policy and required method of communicating our commitment to purchase materials and services. To help us meet our payment commitments, we provide suppliers with the following PO Requirement guidelines.

Our P2P Supplier Portal enables e-document exchange of POs, Purchase Order Acknowledgement (POA), Advanced Shipping Notices (ASN) and invoices, with 24/7 visibility into your payment status through secure portal-based technology.

Our PO requirements facilitate a streamlined payment process for our suppliers:

  • Our suppliers are required to have a Kimberly-Clark Purchase Order (PO) prior to commencement of work or delivery of goods
  • If a PO has incorrect or incomplete information, DO NOT fulfill the PO, contact your Procurement Buyer to ensure the PO is correct prior to acknowledging the PO
  • Kimberly-Clark must approve any quantity variance from the PO or material substitution prior to shipment of the materials
  • POs must be acknowledged prior to invoicing
  • Suppliers must acknowledge all POs by submitting a PO Acknowledgment (POA) through the P2P Supplier Portal or system from which the PO was received
  • Kimberly-Clark must be informed of any changes to the supplier Tax ID number, banking information, contact person, company address, email address, phone or fax number
  • Correspondence regarding a PO received through the P2P Supplier Portal must be submitted via that Portal